• Nurul Aeni, S.Pd
  • Bahasa
  • 2019-03-08 07:29:32
Recount Text

Recount Text adalah jenis teks yang isinya menceritakan kejadian di masa lalu. Terkadang kata “Recount” di sini sering juga di artikan sebagai kegiatan “mengingat kembali” suatu kejadian untuk kemudian menceritakannya. Ciri khas yang membedakan Recount Text dengan jenis teks lainnya dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah: tidak adanya konflik (karena tujuannya hanya menceritakan urutan kejadian), dan fokus pada satu particular occasion (kejadian tertentu) saja. Jadi misalnya yang ingin kamu ceritakan adalah pengalaman liburan kemarin di Raja Ampat selama 10 hari, maka yang kamu ceritakan adalah urutan kejadian selama 10 hari itu saja, kalaupun ternyata sebelumnya kamu juga sudah pernah ke Raja Ampat, itu tidak bisa kamu campurkan kedalam cerita yang kamu buat karena sudah dianggap dua kejadian atau momen yang berbeda. Bisa dipahami ya, nah sekarang langsung aja deh kita lihat contoh Recount Text singkat tentang liburan berikut ini.

Baca Juga: Generic Structure, Language Features Dan Jenis Recount Text

Contoh Recount Text 1

My First Time In Yogyakarta

My family and I went to my grandmother’s house in Yogyakarta last month. It was my first trip to this city. We went there two days after my sister’s gradution ceremony in Semarang. We arrived at Yogyakarta at night. We spent a week staying in my grandmother’s house which is 5 minutes away by foot to Malioboro street.

In the first morning, we were still too tired after a long trip from Semarang to Yogyakarta. So we decided to stay at home to recharge our energy. I walk around the neighborhood with my sister just to experience how it is like to be in Yogyakarta. There were too many house, I think, which made the space between a house and the other was so small, even the road was also small that only bicycle and motorcycle can go through.

On the second day, all of us went to Malioboro street. We saw so many merchant with various of product which they claim to be a traditional product of Yogyakarta. I bought some wooden figurine and T-shirt with the word “Yogyakarta” printed on it, while my sister bought some leather handbag. My mom and dad were busy choosing some merchandise to be brought home when we go back.

On the third day, we went to Taman Sari and Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat to see some historical building in Yogyakarta. We took a lot of picture there. We also took some picture of the building so we can check it again at home. We found some place providing Yogya traditional food around the building and we jumped in right away.

We spent the rest of our week in Yogyakarta by visiting some Shopping Malls such as Jogja City Mall, Malioboro Mall, Hartono Mall and Ambarrukmo Plaza. We realized that Yogyakarta turned out to be very warm during the day, that was the reason why we decided to spend more time in air conditioned building like this.

Contoh Recount Text 2

Fishing at The River

When I was in Junior High School, my father once took me to go fishing with him at the river on Sunday morning. The river lies across our oil palm plantation. We had breakfast first at home and then left early in the morning by motorcycle.

When we arrived in our plantation, my father parked the motorcycle under the hut. He asked me to collect some dry wood and dry grass or leaves. When I already collected enough wood and dry leaves, my father set a fire in the center of the fireplace. He said that the smoke from the fire would scare some dangerous animal like bear and boar to come closer to the hut and so it would make us safer.

After cleaning some wild grass around the hut, my father gave me a hoe and asked me to dig some soil to find worms. When I already had enough worm, I brought it to my father and we went straight to the river. We put the worm on the fishing hook as a bait to catch the fish. As a beginner fisher, I cannot apply the worm on the fishing hook well, and it look like it was about to fall of the hook, but my father said that it was okay. I threw the fishing hook into the river and wait for the fish to eat the bait, but nothing happened after a while. When I was about to get bored I saw a big prawn was slowly walking in the water. I placed the fishing hook slowly into the face of the prawn and move it up and down so the worm seemed alive. I never expected it to happen but suddenly the prawn move its hand and grabbed the worm on my fishing hook. I lift it very slowly and the prawn was still there hanging tight on the worm until I placed it on the ground and I caught it right away with my hands. My father was so surprise to see it. Before we went home, we cooked it at the hut and enjoyed it together.

Contoh Recount Text 3

Bro Time

After a year working in Australia, I finally managed to come back to my hometown last month. It is in Cimahi, a city located in the west side of Bandung. I spent a week staying here. During this time at home, I learned that my best friend, Richie, had become a successful medic in the government’s hospital in my hometown. So I called him and we decided to have a “Bro Time” at the weekend.

Richie picked me up at 4 p.m, and he brought me straight to a new waterpark in town which he claimed to be the biggest waterpark in Cimahi. We parked our car in the parking area and walked straight to the entrance gate. There is a ticket counter at the gate and we have to pay Rp.80.000 to get into the waterpark. Richie paid for our ticket, he said it was a treat for me of his first salary as a medic in the hospital. I thanked him.

We handed over the ticket to the gate keeper and he allowed us to enter. After that went to a counter where we took the key for our locker. In this counter, we need to give them something as the assurance if we want to use the locker, so we gave them our car’s key. They said that we will get the car’s key back when we return the locker key. After that we went to the locker room, where we changed our clothes and get ready to swim. Before we enter the pool, we decided to rent a dual swimming float, the price was Rp.20.000 and I decided to pay it. We brought it to the pool and sat on it. After that we also swim and took some picture together. After playing in the water for about an hour, we were so hungry and we decided to go to the foodcourt. We order two plates of fried noodle and two cup of ice tea. I paid the food as a treat for Richie. After finishing our food and drinks, we went to the locker room to change our clothes and went back home at 6 p.m.

Contoh Recount Text 4

Traveling Abroad

My first overseas trip was when I went to Thailand with my father. At that moment I was still in Junior High School level and it was a school day off. My father took this trip because he needed a data for his research about the legendary bird “Garuda”, which turned out to be a legend too in Thailand. We spent only 1 day in Thailand, but I already experience a lot of new things.

When we first landed at the Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, we got a taxi and asked the driver to take us to the nearest hotel. He drove us to Windsor Suites Hotel located on Sukhumvit Road. We went straight to the receptionist and booked a room for tonight and tomorrow. The receptionist gave us a card that we can use as a key to unlock our room. We went to our room and took a quick shower, change our clothes and then went down to the lobby again.

From the lobby, we went out to the street. My father order a ride to a local driver. It looked like a becak motor but a lot bigger and the people called it “tuk-tuk”. My father asked the driver to take us to Chatuchak Market and find us a restaurant that served Halal food for Moslem. Then we arrived at a small restaurant which turned out to be owned by Indonesian. The owner was very nice, he gave us a free meal when we were about to left his restaurant. He said that it was for our breakfast, just in case we couldn’t find any Halal food at the hotel. My father thanked him and ask to exchange their phone number. Before we went back to the hotel, my father took me around the Chatuchak Market. I saw so many toys that I have never seen before in Indonesia. My father bought me one of those toys, it was rubber chicken. It was so funny, because when we squeeze it, it will make sound just like rooster. After that we went back to the hotel and go to bed.

In the morning, we enjoy free breakfast at the hotel. We had a lot of Halal food to choose. I took a couple glass of free milk for myself. After that my father order an Uber and ask the driver to take us to three archaeological sites in Thailand which were Ayutthaya Historical Park, Ban Non Wat village, and the temple of Prasat Ta Muen Thom. When we arrived on each destination, my father started collecting the data. While my father was working, I walked around the historical site and took a lot of picture of myself. We finished the job at 5 p.m, and we still have enough time to head back to the hotel, took a quick shower and drove right away to the airport. We went back to Indonesia that night at 9 p.m. My father and I were exhausted but I was so happy.

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